<![CDATA[Michelle Fryer Author - Blog]]>Thu, 30 May 2024 01:36:26 -0600Weebly<![CDATA[August 02nd, 2019]]>Fri, 02 Aug 2019 23:04:57 GMThttp://michelle-fryer.com/blog/august-02nd-2019Picture
I can’t believe I’m in day three of Paris. Here is what I am loving so far…
People – they say that French people can be rude but I’m not feeling that much.  Everyone has been very accommodating to me especially in my lack of language skills. There is such a multitude of diversity here – not just a sea of familiar faces like in Colorado but real differences.  I’ve people from Asian countries, the middle-east, Europe, Latin America, Australia, U.S.A, and it’s such a Hodge podge that it’s not hard to feel both the breadth of this world – or maybe because we are all here it’s a small world after all – hehe  pardon the Disney pun.  I think this is a culture in which I could thrive because it’s such an acceptance and celebration of people as they are made. 
So much to see – I’ve just spent the last hour lying on my bed looking at the map and trying to think through what I’m going to do and when.  I still think Versailles is on the books for tomorrow – but I might change depending on how I feel – the heat has not been my friend.  The Museum Orsay had not been on my list until I passed it today and some of the offered art work. To be honest – it was far less intimidating than the Louvre – the Louvre scares me in it’s size – wow.  I don’t have a lot of gumption to go in the Eiffel tower but I’m going to do it – way later in the week.  
Outdoor Cafes – these are kinda growing on me.  I think if there is outdoor seating you can just grab a table the waiters will find you.  This is a writer’s dream – so many people to watch and observe – I definitely have some characters to add to my books after only two dinners. T
Transportation – It’s so easy to use and it’s everywhere.  Today I took the Botobus -which is water tour that takes you up the Seine and offers hop-on-hop-off options at 9 different locations.  Yesterday – I mastered the train by going to Disney and then having to find my way back home when the train ended 4 stops to early.  I felt empowered and I wish Colorado had this level of transportation for their people. 
What I’ve hated so far:
Traveling on a plane.  UGH – my plane was delayed in Texas. So not only did I have to sit in an airport doing nada for 6 hours, it meant my arrival in Paris was also delayed and I lost half a day getting started.  Then nine and a half hours on a plane – OUCH!  I think if I could have slept it would have been okay – but I couldn’t and I couldn’t get up and move around so I was hurting.  I am not condemning long travel until I’ve had the ride back home – but so far it’s not looking so good.  
No Ice  - seriously? I’m so spoiled by having ice all the time.  
Sore feet from walking so much and feeling very very tired. 
What I’ve done so far – 
Almost 24 hours of travel to get here and adjusting to the new time zone. 
The first night, I checked in and walked around a bit. I had my first outdoor café experience and the best damn Tequila Sunrise. 
I got up early on the Thursday, August 1st, and headed to Disneyland Paris.  I managed to do 25000 steps all day and my poor feet are feeling it.  I loved the park – but how can you not love Disney and it’s magic.  There were some big differences and some big disappointments. I’m not going to write them all…I’ll add a few. The size is so much smaller so I didn’t feel overwhelmed.  However, I didn’t find all the Disney magic that I wanted – such as the amazing pastry and sweets – which really surprised me in Paris.  The rides were different versions of the American ones, and I think the story-telling was better.  They closed down the park at 10 and made you wait until 11 for the fireworks – some of us – me included did not wait. As with many Disney Enthusiasts – I felt like the Walt Disney Studios was a waste of time and energy.  The rides broke down, long queue lines, and it just felt not fully developed.  I did love the added food stations at the Studio park, I had a way of sampling booze and food from the regional areas.  
Today, Happy Birthday to Me!  I slept in and took it easy.  I bought a pass for the Botobus – and took it down to the Louvre stop, I was able to get off and walk to the shop to pick up my Paris Pass for the rest of my trip.  I was approached by beggars – they are clever and ask you where you are from and then just keep asking for money.  One guy tried to sell me love  and “Bunga-Bunga”, when I said I couldn’t give him any money – he offered to “Bunga-Bunga” me.  It was quite funny.  Then I rode the rest of the tour, getting back to the hotel early evening.  I took a nap – I think the sun, heat, and the previous day of walking really wiped me out.  Now, it’s after mid-night and I’m sitting in the hotel lounge with a glass of Chardonnay and writing this post.  
Tomorrow – Tentatively it’s Versailles.
